What is Pleb Alchemy

And Why you should care

Pleb Alchemy is an attempt at explaining the pseudoscientific field of economics to the common man. Today the economist is the new Alchemist. Alchemist long ago were obsessed with converting worthless metals such as lead into Gold achieving endless wealth. Today the new Alchemist are obsessed with growing economies forever and in this pursuit they destroyed anything that opposes this view or that merely critiques it. They believe that something can be created from nothing, that consumption is economy. That a modern economy must have credit, interest, and that they are the right ones to control the money supply through the issuing of credit for a price. Ultimately it is rooted in what is known as Keynesian Economics.

Keynesian Economics begins with an assumption that the aggregate demand or the total demand for goods and services is inherently volatile in a market economy and that a government can and should step in to smooth the economic fluctuations. The primary means for doing this is through manipulation of the money supply, known as monetary policy and also through government spending. This is in contrast with more traditional Economics which preferred the decisions of the free market and the overall idea that there is a natural order to economies. Modern economics is all about controlling the economy despite what many say today there is no true market economy all of them have been controlled or manipulated by the new alchemy of growth.

My greatest goal is to bring light to this alchemy and to begin work on the solutions to the many problems that it has produced in our economies. The reason our food no longer taste good. Our products no longer last as long as they used too. People can barely afford to live is a result of how our economies have devolved. It is a result of a manipulation of markets, creating and destroying credit in order to increase or decrease consumption. It makes the world less peaceful. It is violence, it is death and destruction. If we fix it we save ourselves and we save our livelihood.


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